A Resolution To Restore Forests in Pakistan


Sponsored by Patrick Fiechtl, Grayson Elder, John Mark Coggin, Cole Tarter of Ravenwood High School

The delegates above represented the Delegation of Pakistan.

This legislation was filed in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural category

Presented as part of the MUN B 2023 conference

1 We, The delegation of Pakistan
3 Bearing in mind the People of Pakistan have been facing severe floods caused by the degradation
4 of forests, leaving over 30 million Pakistanis internally displaced.
6 Noting economic decline caused by a lack of jobs and industry has left many Pakistanis in rural
7 areas in poverty.
9 Requesting $6,000,000 from the United Nations Environmental Programme. $5,000,000 of which
10 will be used to purchase 10 million ready to plant trees. $500,000 will go towards purchasing tools
11 and hiring instructors to teach local workers how to transport, plant, and care for the trees. The
12 remaining $500,000 will go towards paying the local workers, 5000 workers at $10 an hour for 10
13 hours.
15 Emphasizing these trees will restore 200,000 acres of lost forest near the north end of the Indus
16 river, combatting the floods in Pakistan by providing greater absorption of water into the ground
17 via tree roots and a larger canopy of leaves for the water to evaporate from. The wages to the
18 workers will put money back into the economy as the workers spend their money in local
19 businesses to buy food and supplies, stimulating further growth.
21 Noting the government of Pakistan currently has neither the resources nor the man-power to
22 accomplish this feat to end the destructive flooding.