An Act to provide for the rescheduling of Ibogaine and its Analogues to Schedule V


Sponsored by Turner Lie-Nielsen of McCallie School

This legislation was filed in the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services category

Presented as part of the YIG Volunteer 2024 conference

3 Section 1: Terms in this act, unless the context requires otherwise, shall be defined as follows:
4 A) Ibogaine: The principal psychoactive alkaloid occurring in the Central African shrub,
5 Tabernanthe Iboga. Ibogaine has the unique ability to attenuate opioid dependence and aid in
6 cessation of addictive behavior.
7 B) Noribogaine: The O-demethylated metabolite of Ibogaine that has a significant impact on its
8 pharmacology and opioid-cessation qualities.
9 C) 18-MC: 18-Methoxy-Coronaridine; A synthetic analogue of Ibogaine developed by MindMed
10 which has an improved therapeutic index relative to Ibogaine
11 D) Controlled Substances Act: The 5-Tiered drug scheduling policy passed in 1970 under the Nixon
12 Administration.
13 E) Federal Analogue Act: An amendment to the Controlled Substances Act passed in 1986 that
14 allows for compounds deemed ‘substantially similar’ to controlled substances to be treated as
15 such.
16 F) Schedule I Controlled Substance: A substance that has a high abuse potential, no recognized
17 medical application, and a lack of accepted safety under medical supervision.
18 G) Schedule V Controlled Substance: A substance that has a low abuse potential with a limited
19 capacity for dependence as well as accepted medical applications.
21 Section 2:
22 Ibogaine, its major metabolites including noribogaine, and all of its analogues as defined under the
23 Federal Analogue Act of 1986, will be transferred from Schedule I to Schedule V controlled
24 substances in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated 39-17-406. The rescheduling will occur
25 on January 1st, 2025.
27 Section 3:
28 This act will have no fiscal impact on the state of Tennessee other than the possible, albeit minor,
29 reduction in law enforcement spending as a result of diminished prosecution efforts.
31 Section 4:
32 All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this are hereby repealed.
34 Section 5:
35 This act will go into effect starting January 1st, 2025.