
Sponsored by Julia Gardner, Aidan McRorie of Baylor School

This legislation was filed in the General Services category

Presented as part of the YIG Volunteer 2024 conference

3 Section 1) Terms in this act shall be defined as follows:
4 a) Same-day Voter Registration: Allows any qualified resident of the state to register to vote
5 and cast a ballot on the same day.
6 b) Eligible Individual: Any person who falls within the Tennessee Requirements to vote. They
7 must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Tennessee, and at least 18 years old by the next election.
8 c) Election Day: The annual day for general elections of federal public officials, occurring on the
9 first Tuesday after 1 November.
10 d) Early Voting: Also known as advance polling or pre-poll voting, early voting is a convenience
11 voting process by which voters in a public election can vote before a scheduled election day.
12 e)Polling Place: A building where voting takes place during an election.
13 f) National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA): Requires each State to establish Federal
14 election voter registration procedures by application in person at a designated Federal, State, or
15 nongovernmental office, or at the applicant’s registration site in accordance with State law.
16 g) Election Day Administrators: The government officials and poll workers who oversee
17 electoral processes. The primary responsibility of such administrators is to assure voting
18 procedures are conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
19 h) Ballot on Demand Systems (BOD): Stand-alone units that print ballots for each
20 precinct/ballot style within a locality.
22 Section 2) The State shall permit any eligible individual on the same day of Election Day, and on
23 any day when voting, including early voting, to:
24 a) Register to vote in elections at the polling place using a form that meets the requirements
25 laid out by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993;
26 i) Eligible Individuals must follow the set Tennessee voting requirements when participating
27 in same-day voter registration. Voters must present proof of citizenship, identity, and legal
28 residency at the time of registering;
29 1) Accepted proof includes:
30 (i) Valid photo identification;
31 (ii)Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security;
32 (iii)Photo ID issued by the Tennessee state government;
33 (iv)Photo ID issued by the federal government;
34 (v) United States Military Photo ID;
35 (vi)Driver’s License;
36 (vii) United States Passport;
37 (viii)Tennessee Handgun carry permit;
38 2) Proof of Legal Residence;
40 (ii)Bank Statement;
41 (iii) Government check;
42 (iv) Paycheck;
43 (v)Other government document that shows the voter’s name and address;
44 ii) If the individual is already registered to vote, they also may revise any of their own voter
45 registration information;
46 b) Cast a vote in such elections.
48 Section 3) The Department of State shall implement voter education campaigns to increase eligible
49 individuals’ awareness of the same-day voter registration provisions made by this bill through:
50 a) Providing a summary of the provisions made by this bill via the Tennessee State
51 Government website;
52 b) Issuing a press release about this bill within the first week of January 2026;
53 (i) This press release will not only outline the basic provisions made by this bill, but also its
54 potential impact on eligible voters and voter turnout in Tennessee;
55 c) Issuing public notices about this bill in local newspapers within the first week of January
56 2026;
57 d) Mailing information about this bill to eligible voters in Tennessee prior to the early voting
58 period for each annual Election Day held in Tennessee until the end of the 2030 election season;
59 e) Announcing the provisions made by this bill on official Tennessee State Government social
60 media accounts;
61 i) Posts shall include links to the information about this bill on the Tennessee State
62 Government website, as mentioned in Section (3) Subsection (a), and a transcript of the press
63 release mentioned in Section (3) Subsection (b).
65 Section 4) The impact of same-day voter registration on Election Day administrators and voter
66 turnout will be reviewed by the Department of State once every 2 years;
67 a) The Department of State will release a report on their findings beginning March 2, 2027,
68 including, but not limited to:
69 (i) The total number of eligible individuals in Tennessee;
70 (ii) The total number of eligible individuals who were registered to vote in Tennessee;
71 (iii)The total number of eligible individuals who were registered to vote and also voted in
72 Tennessee;
73 (iv)The total number of eligible individuals who registered to vote on the same day they
74 voted;
75 (v) Data analysis of voter turnout;
76 (vi) Demographic information;
77 (vii) The ability of election administrators to efficiently accommodate same-day voter
78 registration.
80 Section 5) This bill would require $500,000 in funding allocated from the state election budget to
81 be overseen and distributed by the Department of State to:
82 a) Purchase additional equipment such as ballot-on-demand printers;
83 b) Provide training to election officials on same-day voter registration procedures;
84 c) Conduct voter education campaigns.
86 Section 6) All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.
88 Section 7) This law shall take effect on January 1, 2026.