Sponsored by Julia Gardner, Aidan McRorie of Baylor School
This legislation was filed in the General Services category
Presented as part of the YIG Volunteer 2024 conference
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3 | Section 1) Terms in this act shall be defined as follows: |
4 | a) Same-day Voter Registration: Allows any qualified resident of the state to register to vote |
5 | and cast a ballot on the same day. |
6 | b) Eligible Individual: Any person who falls within the Tennessee Requirements to vote. They |
7 | must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Tennessee, and at least 18 years old by the next election. |
8 | c) Election Day: The annual day for general elections of federal public officials, occurring on the |
9 | first Tuesday after 1 November. |
10 | d) Early Voting: Also known as advance polling or pre-poll voting, early voting is a convenience |
11 | voting process by which voters in a public election can vote before a scheduled election day. |
12 | e)Polling Place: A building where voting takes place during an election. |
13 | f) National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA): Requires each State to establish Federal |
14 | election voter registration procedures by application in person at a designated Federal, State, or |
15 | nongovernmental office, or at the applicant’s registration site in accordance with State law. |
16 | g) Election Day Administrators: The government officials and poll workers who oversee |
17 | electoral processes. The primary responsibility of such administrators is to assure voting |
18 | procedures are conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. |
19 | h) Ballot on Demand Systems (BOD): Stand-alone units that print ballots for each |
20 | precinct/ballot style within a locality. |
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22 | Section 2) The State shall permit any eligible individual on the same day of Election Day, and on |
23 | any day when voting, including early voting, to: |
24 | a) Register to vote in elections at the polling place using a form that meets the requirements |
25 | laid out by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993; |
26 | i) Eligible Individuals must follow the set Tennessee voting requirements when participating |
27 | in same-day voter registration. Voters must present proof of citizenship, identity, and legal |
28 | residency at the time of registering; |
29 | 1) Accepted proof includes: |
30 | (i) Valid photo identification; |
31 | (ii)Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security; |
32 | (iii)Photo ID issued by the Tennessee state government; |
33 | (iv)Photo ID issued by the federal government; |
34 | (v) United States Military Photo ID; |
35 | (vi)Driver’s License; |
36 | (vii) United States Passport; |
37 | (viii)Tennessee Handgun carry permit; |
38 | 2) Proof of Legal Residence; |
39 | |
40 | (ii)Bank Statement; |
41 | (iii) Government check; |
42 | (iv) Paycheck; |
43 | (v)Other government document that shows the voter’s name and address; |
44 | ii) If the individual is already registered to vote, they also may revise any of their own voter |
45 | registration information; |
46 | b) Cast a vote in such elections. |
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48 | Section 3) The Department of State shall implement voter education campaigns to increase eligible |
49 | individuals’ awareness of the same-day voter registration provisions made by this bill through: |
50 | a) Providing a summary of the provisions made by this bill via the Tennessee State |
51 | Government website; |
52 | b) Issuing a press release about this bill within the first week of January 2026; |
53 | (i) This press release will not only outline the basic provisions made by this bill, but also its |
54 | potential impact on eligible voters and voter turnout in Tennessee; |
55 | c) Issuing public notices about this bill in local newspapers within the first week of January |
56 | 2026; |
57 | d) Mailing information about this bill to eligible voters in Tennessee prior to the early voting |
58 | period for each annual Election Day held in Tennessee until the end of the 2030 election season; |
59 | e) Announcing the provisions made by this bill on official Tennessee State Government social |
60 | media accounts; |
61 | i) Posts shall include links to the information about this bill on the Tennessee State |
62 | Government website, as mentioned in Section (3) Subsection (a), and a transcript of the press |
63 | release mentioned in Section (3) Subsection (b). |
64 | |
65 | Section 4) The impact of same-day voter registration on Election Day administrators and voter |
66 | turnout will be reviewed by the Department of State once every 2 years; |
67 | a) The Department of State will release a report on their findings beginning March 2, 2027, |
68 | including, but not limited to: |
69 | (i) The total number of eligible individuals in Tennessee; |
70 | (ii) The total number of eligible individuals who were registered to vote in Tennessee; |
71 | (iii)The total number of eligible individuals who were registered to vote and also voted in |
72 | Tennessee; |
73 | (iv)The total number of eligible individuals who registered to vote on the same day they |
74 | voted; |
75 | (v) Data analysis of voter turnout; |
76 | (vi) Demographic information; |
77 | (vii) The ability of election administrators to efficiently accommodate same-day voter |
78 | registration. |
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80 | Section 5) This bill would require $500,000 in funding allocated from the state election budget to |
81 | be overseen and distributed by the Department of State to: |
82 | a) Purchase additional equipment such as ballot-on-demand printers; |
83 | b) Provide training to election officials on same-day voter registration procedures; |
84 | c) Conduct voter education campaigns. |
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86 | Section 6) All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
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88 | Section 7) This law shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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